The Literacy Handbook for Teachers improves students’ literacy and learning in every subject, boosting confidence and exam results.
How The Literacy Handbook for Teachers works
… in the classroom
- it’s all about the little tweaks you can make to improve students’ ability to read, write, speak, listen and think in every subject to improve learning, confidence and exam results
- each idea is simple, effective and sustainable,
- they reduce teacher workload: strategies require no preparation (and students should do the few that do)
- targeted ideas can be picked up in a couple of minutes, the whole book can be read in under an hour
- frees teachers to teach the best possible lessons
…for the whole school
- provides highly effective teaching, learning and literacy training for teachers that is low in cost, effort, and time
- it’s the literacy handbook for all your teachers and teaching assistants
- provides clear and consistent literacy practice across all subjects
- supports the tracking and monitoring of literacy development and practice to identify strengths, areas to develop and best practice in and across subjects
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The Literacy Handbook for Teachers may be used by itself, but is even more effective when used with The Guide to Greatness – the student book
The lost-learning literacy catch-up solution for 11 to 18+ year olds
The Guide to Greatness

The Guide to Greatness helps young people be the best they can be in learning, exams, and life.
Improving literacy and communication allows your students to:
– access learning
– write and communicate better
– boost their confidence and well-being
– improve their exam results
Literacy isn’t just speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It’s the ability ‘to engage with challenging concepts, to make constructive connections between subjects and to learn from the thinking and experience of others.
(Ofsted, 2013)
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How The Guide to Greatness (TGtG) works for the students

With covid-related lost-learning, let alone the increased writing and reading demands in all subjects, TGtG provides friendly, easy ways to improve your students’ learning and study skills in every subject:
- TGtG demystifies all the common literacy problems that prevent students from achieving e.g. how to write an essay or any long piece of writing, whatever the subject
- TGtG provides constant support to students in the classroom and home – no laptops, tablets or phones required.
- TGtG provides consistent literacy and communication messaging across the school
- The content and tone supports students’ wellbeing, confidence, self-esteem, self-belief, motivation and encourages an aspirational, confident, can-do mindset.
- Students love it, check out testimonials: ‘This book is a life-saver!’
- Students own the book; it’s theirs to keep, personalise and annotate (as opposed to random resources), enabling them to make connections in their learning, increase their confidence, give them ownership over their knowledge, and the security that comes from this; a feeling everyone likes!
‘My English teacher kept me behind after the lesson to tell me that he’s just marked my essay and given me a 7. I couldn’t believe it, I usually get 4s’
‘The Guide to Greatness is so good; my daughter took it on holiday to read! She now keeps it next to her bed – it’s well-thumbed’
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The Literacy Handbook for Teachers and The Guide to Greatness are great on their own, but even better together!
How The Guide to Greatness works with The Literacy Handbook for Teachers to improve cross-curricular literacy and learning
- The Guide to Greatness is the student resource to accompany The Literacy Handbook for Teachers. The teacher’s book sign-posts all the key student resources.
- Used together, they provide the only two resources you will need for the clear and consistent leadership and management of literacy across the curriculum, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking and exam literacy in all subjects.
- They aid parental/carer engagement by providing the knowledge parents need to help their children.
- Reduces teacher, senior and middle management workload: no more re-inventing the wheel! Literacy leads can hit the road running with leading and managing literacy across the curriculum.
How The Guide to Greatness and The Literacy Handbook for Teachers work together
… in the classroom
- The Guide to Greatness is the student resource to accompany The Literacy Handbook for Teachers.
- The teacher’s book sign-posts all the key student resources they’ll need
- The books provide easy solutions the essential literacy skills needed for learning. E.g. how to understand what a question is asking for, how to write for different purposes, how to structure every type of essay, how to read difficult text – all with accompanying easy-to-follow student instructions
- Students and teachers love the independence it provides. See the testimonials: ‘This book is a life-saver!’
- Students can identify their strengths and areas to develop alongside teachers using the Literacy Tracker.
- Students own the book; it’s theirs to personalise. Books benefit students: they read in context (as opposed to random resources) enabling them to make connections in their learning, increase their confidence, gives them ownership over their knowledge, and the security that comes from this; a feeling everyone likes!
…for the school
- Used together, they provide the only two resources you will need for the clear and consistent leadership and management of literacy across the curriculum, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking and exam literacy in all subjects.
- offers supportive and sensitive way for teachers to feel more confident about their literacy
- provides highly effective CPD which is low in cost, effort and time for all
- reduces the workload of senior and middle management, and literacy leaders: no more re-inventing the wheel!
- Literacy leads can hit the road running with leading and managing literacy across the curriculum.
- They aid parental/carer engagement by providing the knowledge parents need to help their children.
- Their content and tone support students’ wellbeing, self-belief, motivation, and a can-do mindset.
- reduces the workload of senior and middle management, and literacy leaders: no more re-inventing the wheel!